Showing Entries with tag "Plant Health Care"
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Arboriculture BGYL Biomechanics Buckeye Yard and Garden Line Business Client Communications Drought Emerald Ash Borer Environment Events Garden Professors Blog Garden Rant Blog General Global warming and climate change Horticulture Inspirational Invasives Local Horticulture Native Plants Nature Phenology Plant Health Care Pollinators and Bees Pruning Recommended trees, shrubs, and plants Ron Wilson Online Safety Sustainability Tree Biomechanics Tree Health Tree Preservation Tree Risk Assessment Weather RelatedWhat to Look for with Box Tree (Boxwood) Moth
JUL 13, 2023
The Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) announced this past week that Box Tree Moth (BTM) (Cydalima perspectalis, family Crambidae) had been confirmed in Hamilton and Clermont counties in southwest...
Box Tree (Boxwood) Moth: Latest Observations
JUL 13, 2023
Box Tree Moth (BTM) caterpillars develop through 7 instar stages. The caterpillars have undergone a rapid rate of development and are now easy to spot. The larger caterpillars mean more foliar damag...
Box Tree (Boxwood) Moth Confirmed in Southwest Ohio
JUN 27, 2023
The Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) has announced that the Box Tree Moth (BTM) (Cydalima perspectalis (family Crambidae) has been confirmed in southwest Ohio near the borders of Hamilton and Cl...
The Year of the Aphid: Is Help on the Way?
JUN 17, 2023
Environmental conditions coupled with biological properties have conspired to make this “The Year of the Aphid” with honeydew spewed onto leaves, stems, sidewalks, cars, etc., across Ohio. There hav...
The Year Of The Aphid
JUN 1, 2023
I’ve never seen honeydew raining down as it is this year in my area of southwest Ohio. The BYGL has chronicled much of this.
Leaflet Drop on Ash
MAY 18, 2023
Native ash trees in southwest Ohio are showing tell-tale symptoms of Ash Anthracnose. The disease is produced by the fungus, Plagiostoma fraxini (syn. Gnomoniella fraxini). As the specific epithet i...
Leaf Drop on Sugar Maple
MAY 18, 2023
The leaf-shedding handiwork of the Maple Petiole Borer (Caulocampus acericaulis, family Tenthredinidae) is becoming evident in southwest Ohio. This non-native sawfly was introduced into the United S...
Sticky, Dripping Oaks and Ghost Scales
MAY 18, 2023
I recently visited a commercial landscape that had 5” – 6” DBH bur oaks (Quercus macrocarpa) with their newly expanding leaves speckled with clear, sticky honeydew. Twigs and branches had a dark, di...
ODNR recently held a workshop in Spring of 2023 on Hemlock Wooly Adelgid(HWA) and Elongate Hemlock Scale(EHL) at Penitentiary Glenn in Like County. So as a horticulturist or homeowner, what should y...
Heavy Hawthorn Leafminer Damage
MAY 18, 2023
Damage by the Hawthorn Leafminer Sawfly (Profenusa canadensis, family Tenthredinidae) on its namesake host is becoming evident in southwest Ohio. Several small hawthorn trees I saw yesterday in a lo...