Arbor Doctor Links
Links and websites with more information for Tree Nuts like us!*
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1. Abiotic Diseases Of Woody Ornamentals
2. Abiotic Plant Disorders. Symptoms, Signs and Solutions. A Diagnostic Guide to Problem Solving
4. American Forests Protecting and restoring forests for life.
5. American Phytopathological Society (APS) APS is a nonprofit professional, scientific organization dedicated to the study and control of plant diseases.
10. Ammon Nursery

12. Animal damage
13. Appraisal: Indiana Guide for Rating for Landscape Trees
14. Appraisal: Ohio Guide for Plant Appraisal, 8th Edition
15. Appraisal: Tree Appraisal and the Value of Trees article
16. Appraisal: Tree Valuation Kentucky. Valuations by Botanical Name.
17. Appraisal: Tree Valuation Kentucky, Valuations by Percent Group
20. Arboretums and Botanical Gardens. Arbor Doctor Virtual Arboretum

21. Arboretums and Botanical Gardens. Arnold Arboretum
22. Arboretums and Botanical Gardens. Baker Arboretum, Western Kentucky University.
23. Arboretums and Botanical Gardens. Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest
24. Arboretums and Botanical Gardens. Biltmore House Gardens and Grounds
25. Arboretums and Botanical Gardens. Boone County, Kentucky Arboretum

26. Arboretums and Botanical Gardens. Calloway Gardens
27. Arboretums and Botanical Gardens. Chadwick Arboretum
28. Arboretums and Botanical Gardens. Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens
29. Arboretums and Botanical Gardens. Cox Arboretum | Five Rivers MetroParks
30. Arboretums and Botanical Gardens. Dawes Arboretum
31. Arboretums and Botanical Gardens. Fellows Riverside Gardens, Mill Creek MetroParks, Youngstown, Ohio.

32. Arboretums and Botanical Gardens. Holden Arboretum
33. Arboretums and Botanical Gardens. Longwood Gardens
34. Arboretums and Botanical Gardens. Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. The Arboretum features more than 1,215 acres of magnificent gardens, model landscapes, and natural areas – from woodlands and wetlands to prairie – with extensive collections of northern-hardy plants.
36. Arboretums and Botanical Gardens. Morton Arboretum

37.Arboretums and Botanical Gardens. North Carolina Arboretum
38. Arboretums and Botanical Gardens. Plantplaces Virtual Arboretum.
39. Arboretums and Botanical Gardens. Rowe Arboretum, Indian Hill, OH.
40. Arboretums and Botanical Gardens. Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum.

41. Arboretums and Botanical Gardens. University of Kentucky Arboretum.
42. Arboretums and Botanical Gardens. US National Arboretum.
44. Arboricultural Association
45. Arboricultural consulting: American College of Forensic Examiners is a professional society of forensic examiners.
46. Arboricultural consulting: National Forensic Center locates expert witnesses and consultants.
47. Arboricultural consulting: Technical Advisory Service for Attorneys is an expert witness referral service.
48. Arboricultural consulting: is a regularly updated site with information on statutes and court decisions related to arboriculture law and matters of neighbor law.
49. is a hub for the arboriculture industry in the UK
58. Bats
62. Biochar:

63. Biomechanics
68. Blessed Earth
71. Bug of the Week
72. Burls
73. Burlap left on trees is harmful. Garden Professors
74. Busy Bee Services Ltd., northeast Ohio. Leaves last a season. Trees last a lifetime. Mark J. Hoenigman, President
75. C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic (CWEPPDC)
77. CAGIS Hamilton County property mapping system
78. Cankers of Hardwood Deciduous Trees. Annual Cankers, Perennial Cankers, and Diffuse Cankers
casebookofdrslater Incredible insights from Dr. D.R. Slater
80. Cavity Conservation Initiative. The Cavity Conservation Initiative promotes the safe retention of dead and dying trees to ensure the future of cavity-nesting wildlife and to enrich forest diversity.
81. Cherry tree diminished life span due to grafting
84. Cicada Killer Wasp | PDF
85. Cicada Mania

92. Cincinnati Nature Center – home Our award-winning trails, in two locations, wind through the region’s natural habitats of Eastern deciduous forest, fields, streams and ponds. Rowe Woods, located in Milford, Ohio, spans over 1,016 acres (including 65 acres of old growth forest) and offers more than 16 miles of hiking trails.
101. Construction – Critical Root Zone

105. Coppicing and pollarding are two methods of wood pruning that allows us to continually harvest wood from the same trees while keeping them healthy for centuries. They produce a sustainable supply of timber for many generations while enhancing the natural state for wildlife and native plants.
120. Deer: Landscape Plants Rated by Deer Resistance
121. Deer Product Recommendations
122. Deforestation By Design ™ Changing Our Unsustainable Course. “Doing things the same way yields the same results.”
123. Deforestation By Design, A Tree Doctor’s Observations
124. Deforestation By Design, Architectural Failures
125. Deforestation By Design, “Designing” The Urban Forest European Arboricultural Council
127. Dihydrogen monoxide website. Welcome to the web site for the Dihydrogen Monoxide Research Division (DMRD), currently located in Newark, Delaware. The controversy surrounding dihydrogen monoxide has never been more widely debated, and the goal of this site is to provide an unbiased data clearinghouse and a forum for public discussion. Note: A joke website which makes a great point. Anything can be made to sound scary, even Dihydrogen Monoxide. Also, very funny.
128. Drought
129. Drought:
130. Ecosystems
138. Fall Foliage Ohio

146. Finesse GVH
147. Fire Damaged Trees, How To Evaluate This article is from California but includes very good information.
148. Firs for Ohio: Who Ya Gonna Believe? | BYGL
149. Ohio Department of Natural Resources - Division of Forestry
155. Genetic Literacy
156. Gilb Landscaping
157. Girdling Roots
158. Girdling Roots: A Practitioner’s Guide to Stem Girdling Roots of Trees
160. Goldenrod Allergy Myth. Sharing the same flowering period as the culprits, they are labeled guilty by association.
169. Green City Resources is a Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky based, woman owned landscaping company, specializing in the design, installation and maintenance of stormwater management systems; Green roofs / vegetated roofing, roof gardens, rain gardens / bioretention, rainwater collection / rain water harvesting.

172. Growing degree days
173. Growing degree days and Phenology
176. Hardiness Zone Map

181. History
184. Hummingbird Central

185. Hungry Pests Website
186. Serves as the primary nexus for research on hydrocephalus, a condition defined by an abnormal, excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) within the cavities of the brain. Hydrocephalus affects over 1 million people in the U.S. alone. Approximately 1-2 babies for every 1000 births are born with hydrocephalus, but anyone can get hydrocephalus at any time through a brain injury or infection, among other reasons, or as part of the aging process. Arbor Doctor managing director Ron Rothhaas has had this condition since birth. Donate.
196. Invasive species-Callery pear (Bradford, Aristocrat, Cleveland Select, etc.)
Not good. Callery pear is no longer restricted to strip malls, city sidewalks, and manicured suburban lawns. Although, it still heavily present in all these places - as its explosions of white flowers in early spring will atwww. Not content with its honored status in domesticated environs, this dangerous spawn has invaded natural areas far and wide across the U.S.

Scientific Name: Pueraria montana var. lobata (Willd.) Maesen & S. M. Almeida ex Sanjappa & Predeep (ITIS)
Common Name: Kudzu
Photo: Kudzu, old infestation draped on killed trees in July - Photo by James H. Miller; USDA, Forest Service
221. ISA Indiana Chapter

222. ISA Kentucky Chapter

223. ISA Ohio Chapter

227. Kentucky Native Trees and Shrubs
229. Kentucky Plant Disease Diagnostic Labs
231. Kentucky, University of, Disease Management Information. Woody ornamentals publications
232. Kentucky, University of, Disease Management Information. Herbaceous ornamentals publications
233. Kentucky, University of, Disease Management Information. Greenhouse publications
234. Kentucky, University of, Disease Management Information. UK College of Ag’s online publications page (all departments)
235. a webpage dedicated to sharing the music, the words, and the life of Rich Mullins. Through his song lyrics, musical arrangements, magazine articles, interviews, concert appearances, and personal interactions, Rich Mullins was able to touch so many lives in a multitude of different ways. Hopefully, by collecting the various expressions of Rich Mullins message for us, this webpage can allow his words and music to continue to touch our hearts for years to come. Although the messenger is no longer with us here on earth, the message itself remains as important and as true as it ever has been.
242. Lightning damage

243. Lightning: Understanding Lightning & Associated Tree Damage
246. Maple syrup Kentucky

248. Melinda Myers

250. Midwest Naturalist
252. Milorganite Fertilizer. Since 1926, Milorganite has been beautifying lawns and landscapes. The all purpose, non-burning, slow-release nitrogen fertilizer feeds the plant and soil. Why use Milorganite®?
253. Mitogrow Aqua 3-1A

254. Moles:

255. Moles: Facts
256. Moles: The Mole Man

258. Monarch Butterflies

262. Monarch Watch

266. Mulch Depot
272. Mulching video:
275. Mushroom Expert

283. Natives:

294. GoNativesNow

301. Natives Nursery:
302. Natives Nursery:
303. Natives Nursery:

305. Natives: Wild Ones Greater Cincinnati

306. Native Grasses
307. Native Perennials For Shade
308. Native Perennials For Sun
311. Native Plant and Tree Distribution Maps
312. Native Plant Design: Denice Robertson
313. Native Trees, Large
314. Native Trees, Medium
315. Native Trees, Small
316. Native Vines
318. Natural Bracing in Trees – ISA Article 2016
319. Negativity Bias
331. Ohio Victory Gardens

335. Organic Approach

339. Oxbow, Inc.

345. Permaculture:
354. Poison Ivy Website
355. Poison ivy cleanser- Technu
356. Poison ivy control

373. Prune ‘Knock Out’ Rose, How To | Southern Living
375. Pruning evergreens
376. Pruning French lilacs, How to…
377. Pruning: Fruit Tree Pruning Basics
378. Pruning: Proper Pruning Pays Off!
379. Pruning: Rejuvenation Pruning: Tips For Hard Pruning Plants
380. Pruning trees
381. Pruning young trees
390. Red River Gorge

Ron Wilson. In The Garden With Ron Wilson Facebook Page. Join us here for the Garden Party Saturday Morning chat from 6-9AM.
Ron Wilson. In The Garden With Ron Wilson Facebook Fan Group Page.
Snag. A standing dead tree, or dead tree parts
Snags: Dead Trees as Resources for Forest Wildlife
Snake species of Ohio at a glance
Society of American Foresters (SAF) The Society of American Foresters (SAF) is the national scientific and educational organization representing the forestry profession in the United States.
Society of Commercial Arboriculture (SCA) SCA is the premiere organization for individuals working in commercial and residential arboriculture throughout the world.
Society of Municipal Arborists Leading the world in building the confidence, competence, and camaraderie of the family of professionals who create and sustain community forests.
TreeBuzz – Where Arborists Tie In. was designed to unite tree climbers and arborists from around the world with the hope to share current information and exchange ideas to help …
Tree Fund arboricultural research:

Managing and Valuing Veteran Trees:

Tree Preservation, Learning From Old Trees, Artists, and Dead Poets
Tree Preservation. Managing Hazards and Risk.
Tree Preservation, Pruning For Tree Preservation (Guy Meilleur) (for information only. Not a service provided by Arbor Doctor)
Tree Preservation: Reduction pruning comments by Guy Meilleur
Tree Preservation, Response Growth After Pruning (Guy Meilleur)
Tree Preservation, Retrenching Hollow Trees For Life (Guy Meilleur)(for information only. Not a service provided by Arbor Doctor)
Tree Pruning. Reduction Vs. Thinning. Arborist Advice:
Tree Root Damage from Lawn Mowers
Tree & Utility Conflicts – Right Tree Right Place
Treeworks Environmental Practice
Tree Wounds – Response of Trees and What You Can Do
Twenty Questions Of Plant Diagnosis
Urban Forestry Toolbox, Ohio Division of Forestry
Ohio Department of Natural Resources
Urban Forest Diagnostics. Chris Luley PhD.
Urban Forest Diagnostics. Chris Luley PhD. Publications
Urban Forest Diagnostics. Chris Luley PhD. Wood Decay Fungi in Landscape Trees
Urban Forest Diagnostics. Chris Luley PhD. Wood Decay Fungi of Living Trees
Urban Forest Diagnostics. Chris Luley PhD. Fungi List
Utility Arborists Association (UAA) The Utility Arborist Association is the premier organization for individuals and companies who desire to provide professional utility arboricultural services. Members of the UAA and their employers have a commitment to the public to enhance the practice of arboriculture.
Volcanoes: Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) covers volcanoes in Alaska from offices in Anchorage and Fairbanks, Alaska. AVO is a partnership among the U.S. Geological Survey, the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and the Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys. The Scientist-in-Charge of AVO also coordinates the monitoring of volcanic activity in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, a U.S. Territory.
Volcanoes: USGS California Volcano Observatory (CalVO) covers volcanoes in California and Nevada from the USGS offices in Menlo Park, California.
Volcanoes: USGS Cascades Volcano Observatory (CVO) covers volcanoes in Washington, Oregon and Idaho, and is located in Vancouver, Washington. CVO coordinates with the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network, headquartered at the University of Washington in Seattle to provide seismic monitoring of volcanoes in the region.
Volcanoes: USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO) covers volcanoes in the state of Hawaii and is located on the Island of Hawai‘i in HawaiÊ»i Volcanoes National Park.
Volcanoes: Yellowstone Volcano Observatory (YVO) covers the Yellowstone Plateau volcanic field and its caldera. The YVO is a consortium of 8 organizations: U.S. Geological Survey, University of Utah, Yellowstone National Park, UNAVCO (a non-profit university-governed consortium), University of Wyoming, and the state geological surveys of Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. The Scientist-in-Charge of YVO also monitors volcanic activity in Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona.

WHITE OAK GARDENS. 513-385-3313. WHITE OAK ENVIRONMENTALS. 513-385-4717. 3579 Blue Rock Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45247
*Arbor Doctor performs pruning on landscape size trees and shrubs which can be reached from the ground or with a pole saw. Any links or articles regarding large tree pruning are provided for reference only and do not imply a provided service.