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Showing Entries with tag "Local Horticulture"

Rust spores on sidewalk

Homeowners in southwest Ohio were surprised yesterday to awake to find sidewalks, cars, and streets beneath Callery pears (Pyrus calleryana) covered in a fine sprinkling of orange dust. The unusual ev...

Temperature Map

Temperatures with the coming cold wave will be comparable to the December 2022 cold wave. Here is a comparison:

December 2022 cold snap highs and lows:

45/20, 23/-9, 12/1, 19/7, 26/13, 32/24, 51/27,...

Honeydew on leaves

I’ve never seen honeydew raining down as it is this year in my area of southwest Ohio. The BYGL has chronicled much of this.

Grim Reaper drawn overtop of picture of trees with mulch mounds
The horticultural horrors commonly called “mulch volcanoes” and “tree moats” defy explanation. These abominable tree and shrub mulching practices can combine with other stress-related issues to wrea...

This winter, we are making complimentary site visits to many of our existing clients’ properties. Here is a summary of some of what we are finding.

Wild Parsnip Flowers
Wild Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L., family Apiaceae (previously Umbelliferae)) is in full bloom in Ohio with recent hot temperatures accelerating seed development, particularly in the southern part o...
European Hornet on branch
It’s the time of year when queen wasps and bumble bees have emerged from hibernation and are seeking cavity sites to build their nests. An increase in wasp calls this past week means its time for a ...
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