Showing Entries with tag "Tree Preservation"
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Arboriculture BGYL Biomechanics Buckeye Yard and Garden Line Business Client Communications Drought Emerald Ash Borer Environment Events Garden Professors Blog Garden Rant Blog General Global warming and climate change Horticulture Inspirational Invasives Local Horticulture Native Plants Nature Phenology Plant Health Care Pollinators and Bees Pruning Recommended trees, shrubs, and plants Ron Wilson Online Safety Sustainability Tree Biomechanics Tree Health Tree Preservation Tree Risk Assessment Weather Related
Biochar Application - A Practical Guide for Improving and Constructing Soils for Urban Trees
DEC 17, 2024
Biochar is a type of charcoal produced from exposing organic
materials (woody or agricultural waste products) to heat of around
450-650°C in a low- or no-oxygen environment through the p...
What the ‘HAIL’ happened to my tree?
SEP 3, 2023
Storms blew through Sandusky Ohio Saturday, August 12, 2023, taking down branches, trees, and power lines.
Published on
Thomas deHaas

More abuse of Trees You're Killin me Smalls!
JUN 17, 2023
It’s sad to see more trees headed for the burn pile. Some will die a slow, painful death. Others will suffer from pruning wounds, wrong selection, but most will eventually perish!
Published on
Is Emerald Ash Borer on the Rebound in Ohio?
JUN 15, 2023
The lead image for this Alert of an Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) (Agrilus planipennis, family Buprestidae) adult was taken on June 1, 2023, in Butler County, OH. According to our Ohio State Phenology Cal...
Tree Inspections for Decay and Weakness
APR 17, 2023

Crimes against Trees.
FEB 20, 2023
Safety around large trees is important. Cutting heavy branches seems to make sense. But in the long run, the trees become even more hazardous to people and property when trees are topped.
This winter, we are making complimentary site visits to many of our existing clients’ properties. Here is a summary of some of what we are finding.

OK to prune OAKS. Now’s the time to schedule!
DEC 20, 2022
As we approach winter, and the Christmas season, here’s another thing to add to your list; Pruning your Oaks this Winter. There are several great reasons but the most important is to reduce the risk...