Showing Entries with tag "Plant Health Care"
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Evergreen that Everyone will Envy.
This winter, we are making complimentary site visits to many of our existing clients’ properties. Here is a summary of some of what we are finding.
Seeing is Believing: Ohio State University Extension Embarks on a Spotted Lanternfly Study Tour
Like many other states in the Midwest, Ohio is preparing for imminent infestations of Spotted Lanternfly (SLF). This invasive planthopper, first detected in Pennsylvania in 2014, poses a threat to...

OK to prune OAKS. Now’s the time to schedule!

Arbor Doctor talks Oak Wilt disease, chlorosis, and winter weather with yard boy Ron Wilson.
During a recent visit to the Creation Museum botanical garden I noted heavy infestations of lace bugs on azaleas.
What should have been nice, deep green foliage was, instead, tan, brown, and unattrac...

I recently looked at this London planetree which was perfectly healthy a year ago.

Wood Decay Fungi Diagnostic Reference
Sprinklers and trees
Know your trees. Do they like a lot of added water? Will new sprinklers help or hurt your trees.