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Showing Entries with tag "Horticulture"

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Piles of mulch around trees
The vast majority of the trees and shrubs used in Ohio landscapes evolved in ecosystems with soils topped by an organic layer. Think forest and grassland soils. Aged hardwood bark mulch serves as a ...
Holscher Hackman Garden Center logo

Our friends at Holscher and Hackman Garden Center are once again hosting a series of free classes this spring. Arbor Doctor Ron Rothhaas will be talking on declining evergreens on April 16 at 10AM. A ...

Tree with no leaves and sunset in background
Egg masses of Spotted Lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula, on Tree of Heaven, Ailanthus altissima, were discovered by an arborist during the week of February 14. Ohio Department of Agriculture inspected ...
red mulch

Foundational to plant health care is healthy roots and healthy soil ecology. Surprisingly, many of the mulches we have been using in our landscapes are not as wonderful as we think. Very finely ground...

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