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Showing Entries with tag "Horticulture"

Girl looking through microscope

Can you recall any of the plants you saw today?

Probably not. As a species, we are not programmed to recognize and register everything we see within our field of vision. This would be an overwhelming...

Know your trees. Do they like a lot of added water? Will new sprinklers help or hurt your trees.

A collage of various trees and the last image a leaf with caterpillars

by Duncan Slater PhD • 1st Arboriculturist, Lecturer, Researcher, Arbor Day UK Co-ordinator & Discoverer of Natural Bracing in Trees 

When one considers the many barriers to the survival of planted...

Ron taking selfie with other guy on radio show

On August 6, 2022, Arbor Doctor Ron Rothhaas joined yardboy Ron Wilson on 55KRC and iHeart Radio to discuss trees, weather, tree biomechanics, the Amish, and probably more. Click here to listen to the...

Tree with Kretzschmaria deusta

Recently I was called upon to inspect an apparently healthy American beech (Fagus grandifolia) tree. Outside of a few tightly bifurcated branch unions, the only real issue with this tree with a 43-inc...

Trees can be a great asset to our landscape and environment. But it pays to plan ahead.
Published on
Thomas deHaas
Weekly weather forecast

Here is the forecast, as of this writing, for the period June 13-16, 2022, the last full week of spring according to the astronomically based calendar. People often snicker when I make a big deal out ...

 Hydrangea Leaftier Moth
The Hydrangea Leaftier Moth (Olethreutes ferriferana, family Tortricidae) is so named because the caterpillars tie together developing leaves on wild and cultivated hydrangeas to produce oddball “le...
European Hornet on branch
It’s the time of year when queen wasps and bumble bees have emerged from hibernation and are seeking cavity sites to build their nests. An increase in wasp calls this past week means its time for a ...
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