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Showing Entries with tag "Buckeye Yard and Garden Line"

leaves all over the ground
Native ash trees in southwest Ohio are showing tell-tale symptoms of Ash Anthracnose. The disease is produced by the fungus, Plagiostoma fraxini (syn. Gnomoniella fraxini). As the specific epithet i...
leaves on grass
The leaf-shedding handiwork of the Maple Petiole Borer (Caulocampus acericaulis, family Tenthredinidae) is becoming evident in southwest Ohio. This non-native sawfly was introduced into the United S...
The Woolly Leaf Beech Aphid
I’m a fan of beech (Fagus spp., family Fagaceae) from American beech (F. grandifolia) to European beech (F. sylvatica) to beechwood-aged potations (F. beerlignumia). Members of the genus have long b...
Black Sooty Mold on branch
I recently visited a commercial landscape that had 5” – 6” DBH bur oaks (Quercus macrocarpa) with their newly expanding leaves speckled with clear, sticky honeydew. Twigs and branches had a dark, di...
White specks on branch
ODNR recently held a workshop in Spring of 2023 on Hemlock Wooly Adelgid(HWA) and Elongate Hemlock Scale(EHL) at Penitentiary Glenn in Like County. So as a horticulturist or homeowner, what should y...
Oak-Apple Gall
Oak Apples, Woolly Catkins, and Leaf Blisters are appearing on oaks belonging to the red oak group in Ohio. While the galls may be very apparent, they cause no appreciable harm to their oak hosts.
Weeds in grass
Lawns are greening up and growing like crazy. You may be tempted to employ the technique titled ‘No Mow May’. But what’s wrong with letting your lawn grow for the whole month of May without cutting ...
tiny red bugs on plastic on ruler
So-called “concrete mites” are making their annual appearance in southwest Ohio. These tiny, fast-moving bright red mites scurry around on sunny surfaces such as picnic tables, patios, sidewalks, co...
leaves turning brown
Damage by the Hawthorn Leafminer Sawfly (Profenusa canadensis, family Tenthredinidae) on its namesake host is becoming evident in southwest Ohio. Several small hawthorn trees I saw yesterday in a lo...
Spotted Lanternfly Nymph on ruler
On Thursday, May 4, 2023, Jonathon Shields, Agriculture Inspection Manager with the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA), confirmed hatch of spotted lanternfly (SLF) within the Cincinnati infestatio...
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