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JUL 20, 2023

It’s mid-summer already! Can you believe it? Our phones have been ringing off the hook and questions and issues abound in the plant health care realm. Common themes in our area include residual winter...

Bare the Flare for Healthy Trees and Shrubs
JUL 13, 2023
By Chris OlsonChris Olson, BCMA | TRAQ WE-12363BBCMA | TRAQ WE-12363
Young trees are dying every day from secondary opportunistic pests. Many are unaware as the symptoms can be random.
– Crown die b...

Turfgrass Team Times
JUL 13, 2023
The latest Turfgrass Team Times (TTT) is out – field days, leaf spot, Japanese beetles and irrigation decisions all on tap!

Coneflowers are showing symptoms of three problems: tufted growth from the coneflower rosette mite; distorted flowers and growth from ash yellows; and dangling flower heads from the sunflower headcl...

Annual Cicadas and Their Intimidating Wasp Nemesis
JUL 13, 2023
During this week’s Tuesday morning BYGL Zoom Inservice, Curtis Young (OSU Extension, Van Wirt County) reported that he heard the first Annual Cicadas (family Cicadidae) singing in northwest Ohio. Cu...

What The Yell-Ow… I’ve Been SLIMED!
JUL 13, 2023
As I pulled into my driveway and glanced around the Drapescape, I noted brilliant yellow patches of flowers had appeared. They seemed to be scattered around, extremely low to the ground and close...

What to Look for with Box Tree (Boxwood) Moth
JUL 13, 2023
The Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) announced this past week that Box Tree Moth (BTM) (Cydalima perspectalis, family Crambidae) had been confirmed in Hamilton and Clermont counties in southwest...

Box Tree (Boxwood) Moth: Latest Observations
JUL 13, 2023
Box Tree Moth (BTM) caterpillars develop through 7 instar stages. The caterpillars have undergone a rapid rate of development and are now easy to spot. The larger caterpillars mean more foliar damag...