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Beech Blight Aphids Got Talent
The talented and uniquely entertaining Beech Blight Aphids (Grylloprociphilus imbricator) are taking the stage in Ohio. Some of the best line dancing can be seen in Johnson Woods State Nature Preserve...
Thomas Becker (OSU Extension, Lorain County) showed participants in this week’s weekly BYGL Zoom Inservice a nice shot of a Jagged Ambush Bug (Phymata spp., family Reduviidae) lurking among flowers in...
OGIA/OSU Greater Cincinnati BYGL! Diagnostic Walkabout Highlight: The Redbud Leaffolder
Participants in the OGIA/OSU Greater Cincinnati BYGL! Diagnostic Walkabout held this past Monday at the Boone County Arboretum observed the unusual damage caused by the Redbud Leaffolder (Fascista cer...
During yesterday’s 83rd Ohio Diagnostic Workshop held in Secrest Arboretum, OSU CFAES, Wooster, OH., participants found snowy-white masses on the stems of redbuds (Cercis canadensis). The agglomeratio...
Out on a Limb. Arboriculture as a career.
Arbor Doctor has referal relationships with expert climbers. We do not climb ourselves. Arboriculture is an amazing profession with a wide range of opportunities.
The Buzz on Rough Oak Bulletgalls
Dodder’s Tangled Tale
From Basin to Banks: Wetland Restoration
A Selected Assortment of Oak Galls