Showing Entries with tag "Invasives"
Entry Tags (33 found)
Arboriculture BGYL Biomechanics Buckeye Yard and Garden Line Business Client Communications Drought Emerald Ash Borer Environment Events Garden Professors Blog Garden Rant Blog General Global warming and climate change Horticulture Inspirational Invasives Local Horticulture Native Plants Nature Phenology Plant Health Care Pollinators and Bees Pruning Recommended trees, shrubs, and plants Ron Wilson Online Safety Sustainability Tree Biomechanics Tree Health Tree Preservation Tree Risk Assessment Weather RelatedA new invasive pest has arrived in the Cincinnati area. The spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula) was first detected in the United States in Pennsylvania in 2014 and has been spreading ever since. A...
Box Tree Moth Identified In The State Up North, Information Shared From Michigan Department of Agriculture
FEB 20, 2023
This BYGL Alert is an update on the box tree moth (BTM) (Cydalima perspectalis). On May 28, 2021, BYGL contributor Joe Boggs authored an alert about this invasive species that was on the radar, and ...
The Ball Drops on Callery Pear in 2023!
FEB 20, 2023
Callery Pear sales are coming to an END. As of January 7th, 2023, Callery Pear, Pyrus calleryana and its cultivars will no longer be able to be bought or sold in Ohio. This is the end of the 5 year ...
Seeing is Believing: Ohio State University Extension Embarks on a Spotted Lanternfly Study Tour
DEC 20, 2022
Like many other states in the Midwest, Ohio is preparing for imminent infestations of Spotted Lanternfly (SLF). This invasive planthopper, first detected in Pennsylvania in 2014, poses a threat to...
The Ball Drops on Callery Pear in 2023!
DEC 20, 2022
Callery Pear sales are coming to an END. As of January 7th, 2023, Callery Pear, Pyrus calleryana and its cultivars will no longer be able to be bought or sold in Ohio. This is the end of the 5 year ...
Multiple partners from Ohio Department of Agriculture, United States Department of Agriculture-Division of Forestry, The Ohio State University, Cleveland Metroparks, and USDA – APHIS (Animal and Pla...
Wild Parsnip (Pastinaca sativa L., family Apiaceae (previously Umbelliferae)) is in full bloom in Ohio with recent hot temperatures accelerating seed development, particularly in the southern part o...
Queen European Hornet Sightings Stir the Pot
MAY 16, 2022
It’s the time of year when queen wasps and bumble bees have emerged from hibernation and are seeking cavity sites to build their nests. An increase in wasp calls this past week means its time for a ...
While there is something to see year round in the world of Spotted Lanternfly or SLF, last week, a group of Extension professionals – Jim Jasinski with our IPM Program, Thomas deHaas in Erie County,...
Asian Longhorned Beetle Quarantine Lifted at State Park and Campground
ODA, ODNR, USDA Deregulate Portion of East Fork State Park
The Ohio Department of Agriculture together with the United States D...