Biochar Application - A Practical Guide for Improving and Constructing Soils for Urban Trees
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Biochar Application - A Practical Guide for Improving and Constructing Soils for Urban Trees
Dec 17, 2024

Biochar is a type of charcoal produced from exposing organic
materials (woody or agricultural waste products) to heat of around
450-650°C in a low- or no-oxygen environment through the process
of pyrolysis (Fig. 1). Biochar has been shown to improve soil fertility
and water-holding capacity, promote abundance of soil biota and
increase soil porosity, reduce the bioavailability of soil contaminants,
and increase carbon sequestration. As a result, biochar has become a
popular soil amendment for improving soil health. Biochar also im-
proves a wide range of soil types in different environments, including
in residential landscapes and parks, street tree plantings, disturbed
urban soils, agricultural soils, brownfields, and more.